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Software selection platform for IT consultants

Jun 29, 2022

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Publicamos grabación del webinar grabado el día 29/06/2022

Ponentes:Michael Thaw

Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC), an industry leader in impartial software selection, and IT Latino, crossing oceans to bring you the latest in technology trends, present a unique webinar for IT consultants. 

The spotlight of the discourse is on TEC Advisor, Technology Evaluation Centers´ game-changing decision support system for enterprise software selection. 

TEC Advisor makes software selection easier, clearer, and faster, with no practical limit to the number of solutions or evaluation criteria that can be compared. If you are using spreadsheets to choose software, we invite you to take an hour out of your day to discover a better way.
Ready with your questions, join us on Tuesday June 28 to find out why one of our consultant partners declared ¨It should be the law that IT consultants use TEC Advisor to select software. ¨  

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