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Why do so many ERP Implementations Fail? Five Case Studies

Mar 31, 2022

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Publicamos grabación del webinar grabado el día 30/03/2022

 Ponentes:Mehdi Aftahi

Learn from TEC’s CTO, Mehdi Aftahi, how to avoid the ERP implementation mistakes that can lead to project failures or falling short on your targeted ROI. With almost 30 years as an impartial advisor in the industry, TEC knows what works and what doesn’t.

Mehdi will outline the most common misconceptions and mistakes that result in implementation trouble. And more importantly, he’ll discuss the concrete steps that your organization should take to put together a proper implementation plan that will see your new enterprise applications go live on time and on budget. 
Join Mehdi for a practical session that could save your organization from expensive trial and error and help ensure your implementation project is a success.
Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2022

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